Methodology For Marshall Stability Test

The Marshall Stability Test is a method used to measure the strength and stability of asphalt concrete mixtures. The test is widely used in the road construction industry to evaluate the quality of asphalt mixes. The procedure is outlined by the Indian Standard IS 2386 (Part 6): 1963.

Here is a generalized methodology for the Marshall Stability Test as per the Indian Standard IS 2386 (Part 6): 1963:

Table of Contents

Materials and Equipment:

  1. Asphalt Binder: Use the specified asphalt binder for the mix design.
  2. Aggregates: Follow the mix design to determine the proportions of coarse and fine aggregates.
  3. Compaction Moulds: Use cylindrical moulds conforming to the required dimensions.
  4. Compaction Pedestal: A base plate or pedestal for the moulds.
  5. Compaction Hammer: A compaction hammer with a specified weight and a free fall of 457 mm.
  6. Compaction Mold Holder: A device to hold the compaction mould in place during compaction.
  7. Marshall Stability Machine: A testing machine to apply vertical loads to the specimen.
  8. Immersion Tank: A tank for immersing specimens in water.

Procedure Marshall Stability Test

  1. Sample Preparation:
    • Prepare a laboratory sample of the asphalt mix according to the mix design.
    • Heat the asphalt mix to the mixing temperature.
  2. Mould Preparation:
    • Coat the interior surfaces of the compaction moulds with a thin film of mold release agent.
    • Place the base plate on a level and rigid surface.
  3. Compaction of Specimens:
    • Fill the compacting mould with the prepared mix in layers, each layer being compacted by the compaction hammer for a specified number of blows.
    • Compact the last layer to the required height.
    • Remove the compacted specimen from the mould and trim it to the required height.
  4. Measurement of Specimen Dimensions: Measure and record the diameter and height of the compacted specimen.
  5. Testing of Specimens:
    • Place the specimen in the Marshall Stability Machine.
    • Apply a load at a specified rate until failure occurs.
    • Record the maximum load (Marshall Stability) and the corresponding deformation.
  6. Repeat: Perform the test on a sufficient number of specimens to ensure repeatability and reliability of results.
  7. Immersion in Water: Immerse the specimens in water at a temperature of 60-70°C for 30-40 minutes.
  8. Repeat Testing After Immersion: After immersion, repeat the Marshall Stability test on the specimens.
  9. Analysis and Reporting:
    • Analyze the results and report the Marshall Stability values before and after immersion, as well as the flow values.
    • Compare the results with specified criteria to evaluate the quality of the asphalt mix.

It’s crucial to follow the specific requirements outlined in the relevant standard (IS 2386 Part 6: 1963) and any project specifications to ensure accurate and reliable results. Additionally, laboratory safety practices should be strictly followed during the testing process.

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