Methodology For Bitumen Extraction Test

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the specific standards and methods may be subject to change, and it’s essential to refer to the latest version of the relevant standard. The information provided here is based on the Indian Standard (IS) for bitumen extraction, but it’s crucial to check for any updates or revisions to the standard (IS 1203:1978) or any other applicable standards.

The bitumen extraction test is typically performed to determine the bitumen content in bituminous pavement or asphalt mixtures. The following is a general methodology for bitumen extraction as per the Indian Standard IS 1203:1978.

Table of Contents


  1. Centrifuge extractor
  2. Weighing balance
  3. Filter paper
  4. Solvent (Trichloroethylene or any other specified solvent)
  5. Oven

Procedure Bitumen Extraction Test :

  1. Preparation of Test Sample:
    a. Take the representative sample of the bituminous mix.
    b. Weigh the sample accurately.
  2. Extracting Bitumen:
    a. Place the sample in the centrifuge extractor.
    b. Add the solvent to the sample in the extractor.
    c. Heat the mixture to a temperature sufficient to dissolve the bitumen. Maintain this temperature for a specified duration.
  3. Centrifugation:
    a. After the heating period, cool the mixture to room temperature.
    b. Place the extractor in the centrifuge and run it until the bitumen is separated from the mix.
  4. Separation of Bitumen:
    a. Collect the bitumen in the centrifuge extractor cup.
    b. Filter the bitumen through filter paper to remove any fine aggregate particles.
  5. Drying:
    a. Dry the filtered bitumen in an oven until a constant weight is achieved.
  6. Weighing:
    a. Weigh the extracted and dried bitumen.
  7. Calculations:

8.Reporting: a. Record all the relevant information, including the weights, temperatures, and any other details required by the standard.

9.Cleaning: a. Clean all the apparatus thoroughly after the test.

Always refer to the specific standard (IS 1203:1978 in this case) for any variations, updates, or additional requirements that might apply to your testing procedure. Additionally, ensure that safety precautions are followed, especially when handling solvents and working with heated equipment.

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